Andover Township - click to return to front page
welcome to andover sign, photo courtesy of Bob Smith  click to return to front page path in woods in andover, photo courtesy of Bob Smith andover municipal building, photo courtesy of Bob Smith cattails bu an andover lake, photo courtesy of Bob Smith the Abby in Andover, photo courtesy of Bob Smith

Township Public Notices & Announcements

Andover Residents Invited to Contribute to National Geographic Project

Organizations in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania are joining with National Geographic Maps to launch a new Geotourism initiative to highlight the world-class natural and cultural attractions of the middle and upper Delaware River region. You can nominate your favorite landmark, attraction, activity, event, eatery...what you love best about our area! Read public notice below or download PDF.

Sign up to nominate places at the MapGuide at:

National Geographic Notice

national geographic project