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Storm Information

PSE&G Prepares for Winter Storms

PSE&G is preparing for the approaching storm systems that could bring snow, sleet and rain to the region on Saturday and again on Monday.

In anticipation of the storms, PSE&G has additional personnel and equipment on hand. We are also arranging for additional tree crews to assist PSE&G's own skilled workforce, and ensuring that extra supplies, including poles and transformers, are available.

PSE&G urges you to be cautious if you see downed lines. Downed wires should always be considered "live." Do not approach or drive over a downed line and do not touch anything that it might be in contact with.

To report downed wires or power outages, call PSE&G's Customer Service line at 1-800-436-PSEG. You can also report power outages and view the status of an outage by logging in to My Account on, PSE&G's mobile-friendly website.

PSE&G offers the following tips to prepare:

PSE&G offers a number of ways to stay in touch and informed before, during and after a storm. These tools can be found at in the "Storm Center," under "How you can stay connected."

Recycling/Trash Pickup Updates

Garbage Delay Fact Sheet
DPW brush pick up has been suspended in order to conserve gas

Emergency Notices/Updates

Storm Updates

Traffic Incidents:

Tax Payments
Executive Order 113, signed by the Governor, extends the grace period for payment of fourth quarter property tax payments to November 16, 2012.

Verizon Wireless Waiving Charges During Hurricane Sandy and Beyond

Disaster Assistance
Governor Chris Christie announced on November 4 that the federal government has extended public assistance to all 21 counties in New Jersey as a result of the impact of Hurricane Sandy. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is now accepting applications from residents and business owners. Register online at or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired.

For a comprehensive list of the state's resources available to you, click here. For information geared specifically to New Jersey businesses, click here.

For assistance with business loans, contact your local bank (contact Chamber for a list of chamber banking members or visit our website at You may also contact the New Jersey Economic Development Authority at (609) 777-4898.

Help for Small Business
The U.S. Small Business Administration is also providing assistance. For disaster assistance from the SBA, click here. For U.S. SBA disaster loan information, click here.

Hurricane Relief Fund
To donate to the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund organized by Gov. Christie and First Lady Mary Pat Christie, click here.

Other Important Phone Numbers:
To report life-threatening infrastructure problems, call (609) 963-6810.
To volunteer time or resources, call 1-800-Jersey7 (537-7397).
For the federal government's Disaster Distress help line providing 24/7 crisis counseling and support resources, call 1-800-985-5990 or Text TalkWithUS to 66746.

Other Important Web Resources:
For FEMA disaster assistance, click here.
For information about avoiding carbon monoxide poisoning, click here.
For additional information on hurricane assistance and recovery - including lists of shelters, food pantries and soup kitchens - click here.

JCPL Reports/Updates
Information as of November 6th from JCP&L. Additional information will be made available as soon as we are notified.
City ETR report | County ETR Report | Town ETR by Day | County ETR by Day

Tips for Customers Requesting Service Reconnections

Thousands of Jersey Central Power & Light customers sustained significant damage to their homes and businesses as a result of Hurricane Sandy. As repairs are completed, customers will need to have their service reconnected. Here are some tips and information to make the reconnection process easier.

There are dedicated Service Crews handling reconnection work.
Residents should have a licensed electrician make repairs to their homes.

If the customer has a functioning electrical service entrance, including the meter – JCP&L will complete the service reconnection.

If the meter was removed due to severe damage or flooding – JCP&L will install a new meter after the service is repaired by a qualified electrician and inspected by a state inspector.

The inspector will provide certification that the work has been done properly, and will fax the cut-in card to 888-914-9140.
The inspector will attach a sticker with the inspection date on the meter pan.
Customers should have their home address or account number when calling the company to request reconnection.
Because of the volume of requests, it could take a few days for service to be reconnected.

To schedule a service reconnection, customers should call 1-800-662-3115.

Updates/Notices from Andover Police

As of Thursday November 8, 2012 service has been restored to several additional sections of our Township. We can assure all of our citizens that the Andover Township Police Department in conjunction with the Andover Township Office of Emergency Management have been in constant contact with representatives of JCP&L in an effort to expedite the restoration process for the remainder of our residents  still without power. We believe our efforts in conjunction with our Mayor, Township Administrator and Township Committee have been making a positive impact as we are now seeing more line crews working in town. According to our JCP&L area representative they are hopeful power will be restored to the remaining customers by Saturday November 10, 2012. If you are still a resident without power please know you are not forgotten and you are encouraged to call 1-888-LIGHTSS to report your outage. We have been informed some residents have reported their outage and then called JCP&L back to get a status update and they were informed they have been restored when in reality they were not. 

Please continue to stay warm and a reminder the Andover Township Firehouse will remain open until further notice from 6pm – 9pm daily. As always if anyone feels they need assistance from the Andover Township Police Department please do not hesitate to call us at 973-383-5544. 

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photos - post Sandy

Also, keep up to date with Andover PD Facebook page