Clean Communities
Andover Township’s Clean Communities Program provides funding and guidelines to help keep our beautiful community clean and green. The Clean Communities Grant allows for non-profit and volunteer organizations in Andover Township to raise funds for their organizations, and at the same time, provide education on the importance of litter abatement. So please act now and get your clean-up brigade ready! For further information, contact the Clean Communities Coordinator below.
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Zoie Straway
phone: 973-383-4280 ext 323
fax: 973-383-9977

Townwide Cleanup
The 2025 Townwide Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 26. Signup individually or get together with friends and signup as a group. Sign-ups are due by Friday, April 4 to receive a t-shirt.
Meet at the Hillside Park pavilion at 9 AM to receive cleanup supplies and instructions. Volunteers should return to the pavilion by noon with all unused supplies. Park in the lower-level parking lot. Contact Zoie at 973-383-4280 x 323 if you have any questions.

Ban on Plastic Carryout Bags & Polystyrene Foam
Starting May 4, 2022, New Jersey retail stores, grocery stores, and food service businesses may not provide or sell single-use plastic carryout bags and polystyrene foam food service products. Click here for information on the plastic bag and polystyrene foam ban.
Clean Communities has its own Facebook page. Link:
Sussex County Division of Health
phone: 973-579-0370
There's an App for that!
The NJDEP offers a free and easy to use app that can be downloaded onto your smartphone.
This app will assist you in reporting illegal dumping sites in New Jersey.
Click on the following link for more information.
Instructions fo using the Illegal Dumping Web Application

A game and education for residents
This is hosted on the recycle coach website, not the Andover site. Refer to the Recycle Coach User Agreement and Privacy Policy