Andover Township Backyard Chicken Program

Backyard chickens are now permitted in Andover Township!

  1. Download the application
  2. Contact Jaclyn Ricci to schedule your chicken course at There is a $15.00 course registration fee that you must issue directly to Jaclyn Ricci.
  3. After completion of the chicken course, submit the completed application and certificate to Andover Township at 134 Newton Sparta Road Newton NJ 07860 along with the $15.00 annual license fee.
    1. Licenses will expire December 31 and will need to be renewed every year.
  4. The Backyard Chicken board will contact you to schedule the inspection of your coop.
  5. Upon passing inspection, the Backyard Chicken board will notify the Clerk’s office and a license will be issued and mailed to you.

Please be sure to review Ordinance #2024-16 to ensure that you are in compliance with all of the Township requirements.

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